Sunday 19 September 2010

A Bizarre Burly Weekend!

This weekend has been busy on the Burly front! Saturday was taken up with getting ready to perform at Eddies on Saturday night. It's surprising the time and energy that it takes! Costumes and props have to be first found from where ever they have all ended up..the loft, the washing pile, under the bed... some have to be washed by hand, some ironed, checked or mended.

My hair is always a conundrum for me. It just takes time to do it, which I suppose is normal for any lady. I can only get the look I like for performing from tongs, but tonged curls don't last. So I have to tong a section, and then pin it in position. It looks weird, but it seems to help the curl last longer once I've taken them all out (and normally missed at least one!)

I have taken to setting not only my hair, but as many costumes and props as I can before I get to venue if I can. So this weekend it meant me cutting pieces of tissue, and setting them in the little pockets in my Tiffany Boxes, together with the confetti and polystyrene that goes in too. This time I also tied the ribbons of the outer box ready, so all I had to do was slip it all on! Easy!

None of us knew what to expect from the venue or audience on Saturday. We were all a little nervous. There were three bands, there would be one of us performing after each of them. I was first, which I was thankful for! My routine went really well. I had one slight wobble at one point, my balance can be interesting sometimes! Other than that, I have no complaints at all! The audience were warm and seemed engaged in what we were doing. Apart from one scruffy little teenager who sat with his back to one of our girls, when I told him that he could look if he wanted, she's pretty, he shrugged at me, looked for a second, then went back to his beer. Ignorant little !&*^$!.

After that I was lucky enough to just be able to relax backstage while the bands were playing, chat with the Kik guys when they weren't on stage (what can I say I have a thing for guys who wear eyeliner!) get to know the girls better, have fun, and then go and watch Von Vamp and Cherry Stone do their thang!

It was a milestone gig for me. It was the first time I've driven to a gig alone, and had no-one there to hold my hand. Of course the other girls are lovely and so supportive, and that's all you really need. The pros do it every day, but for a newbie, having someone there of your own can be a massive comfort. This was an opportunity to prove to myself that I could do it. And though it's lovely when friends come to help support, it's not essential, this is a one woman show!

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