Monday 20 September 2010


I wrote that blog very late last night, and left a few things out I wanted to tell you!

First of all, call off the search party, I found the Lollipop pastie! Thank goodness for that! There it was, sitting quite happily in the bag with the rest of the costume. Errrr, wa? I swear it wasn't there the other day! That's saved a little time and money though, thank you St Anthony!

The lovely Parma Violet and I also took a trip to the rag market on Friday. I spent a fortune on beads, feathers, fastenings, and fabric, amongst other things and I seemed to come home with an Edwardian Lady in a bag! It's all very exciting. That means I've nearly got everything. I think the shoes are the only thing left, and of course, they're the most expensive! I also tested my watering can this morning, my glitter will indeed pour out of the spout! Wooooo!

I also attended 'High Tease' at the glee club last night. I really wanted to attend Darkteaser's night at the Assembly Rooms in Leamington, but just couldn't get there. So off to the Glee it was. I went mainly out of curiosity, it was also my last night of freedom for a few weeks, so I really wanted to go out and quench my Burly thirst! All in all, it was a good night, nowhere near in the same league as the burlesque night we were all comparing it to! (We all love and miss Candy Box!) It was very stark in comparison, it didn't have the same heart. Dusty Limits, the compare was very good, and reminded me of a lot of the guys I work with on a daily basis. He looked like a gothic Boy George, which of course coming from me, is no insult! He sang hilarious songs and had great comic timing. The other performer who caught everyone's eye, was a juggler called Matt Ricardo. He was great; talented and funny. And the only act of the night that made me slightly uncomfortable sitting in the front row! He had sharp things! And not only whipped a table cloth off from under a full tea set, vase of flowers, and four cups and saucers, but whipped it back on aswell! At least I don't think I dreamt it!

I'm sorry I've been very lazy with photos recently. I need to start taking more backstage photos, maybe I will find it easier as I relax more! I know Celeste Chiffon took some at Eddies on Saturday, so we may see those soon.

So until the next instalment, sparkling diamonds!
Tiff x

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